Sunday, March 22, 2009

Guess who is Crawling

So it finally Happened. Chloe decided to do what we had been trying to show her to do for months now. Rene thought he saw her do it Thursday, but Friday he was sure. There she was crawling to sneak up on her sissy who had her back turned toward her. Check out the video.

This one is of her doing all her tricks. Waving, clapping and dancing!!

Wednesday, March 18, 2009

A new start

Hey everyone! I decided to start a Blog for the Girls. I've tried various other website things over the years and since I have a blog on blogspot, I thought it would be easiest to keep up with it this way.

So to update on the girls. Isabella Anya is 5 going on 15. She loves princess everything, makeup, jewlery, and dress up. She got her ears pierced last summer and she loves changing her earings. She is about 48 inches tall and weighs 64 pounds. She's the size of most 7 year olds. Tall, Tall and legs forever. She's lost a total of 4 teeth in the past year. We are definatley on the tooth fairies route. She recently learned to ride her bike without training wheels. Just like everything else Isabella has ever done she just took off. She said I don't want to use training wheels anymore and after a few tries with dad helping, she took off. Never looked back. Rides a bit to fast, but so far (crossing my fingers) she hasn't had any major wrecks.

She is enjoying Kindergarten and as we wrap up this school year and get ready for 1st grade, I'm amazed at all her new skills. She is getting very good at sounding out words and can read out some of the 1st reader books. She is a whiz at patterns. She can tell you if it's an AB, ABB, ABC pattern. We are learning coins and their values too. She has become an excellent artist and puts together adventure picture books for us. Isabella is attending Kindergarten at the same private school she went to for her first 2 years of preschool. At the end of the year program the Kindergartner's sing 50 nifty United states. It's pretty amazing to think these 5 year olds know all 50 states. We've been practicing everyday and Isabella has them down!! I can't wait for the program! Speaking of programs, her second dance recital is at the end of May. Her dance skills are progressing nicely. For the summer she is enrolled in a Summer Day camp program that she is finally old enough to attend. I think she'll have a blast.

Chloe on the other hand is already 9 months. At her apointment last week she weighed in at a mere 18lbs 4oz and is 29 inches tall. I say mere because she is so much smaller than her sister was at the same age. Hence her nickname. . . Bitty Bit. She still has the full head of hair she was born with. It's even growing! We hope to have pig tails by her first birthday. Like her sister she has the most beautiful dark brown eyes.

She is doing all her social milestones first instead of her physical ones. She figures why crawl when I can sit there kick my feet, wave my hands, and cry at people until they pick me up. She has started pulling up, so we may skip the crawling and go straight to walking. On the social front however she is ahead of the game. She says "hi", waves, claps, and dances (bouncing up and down to the beat) All with a big toothless smile that is darn right irresistable. Well she is darn near toothless. She got her two bottom teeth just a few weeks ago. She is a huge charmer.

She absolutley adores her big sister and wants so badly to be a big girl. Bella is a great big sister and loves playing with and holding her sister. I know both of them will be having a blast as soon as Chloe becomes more mobile. Here's the two of them hanging out this afternoon.